我知道說這些都很過時,畢竟2006已經過去,可是聽見Yusuf 的這首〈Heaven / Where True Love Goes〉卻不禁感動其中,這是去年歌壇絕對不容錯過的好歌,一張好的專輯,也是一場堪稱經典的回歸事件。來自28年後的Cat Stevens 以
Yusuf Islam 這樣伊斯蘭教的名字和背景重返歌壇,其中有太多的故事或許不為人所理解,但是這首歌卻給人好久好久沒有的純‧真‧感‧動--可不是什麼所謂上尉、從事投手業的前洗車工或者城市琴人的作品可堪比擬。(*純屬個人論述觀點)

我和大伯一點都不熟,在哪個年代他流行的歌曲也都是後來耳濡目染才聽聞的,包括世界級名曲〈Morning Has Broken〉、Mr. Big 翻唱的〈Wild World / Wild World--Cat Stevens原版〉、Boyzone / Rod Stewart / Ronan Keating 都有翻唱的〈Father & Son〉【註:2004年羅南的版本當時還找來本尊合唱,奪下UK#2,命運和他先前Boyzone在1995年一樣】到好久以前國語歌壇盛行演唱英文歌曲的年代,盲人歌手曹松章與齊豫都曾經演唱的經典〈Sad Lisa〉...當然大伯有〈Moon Shadow〉及〈Oh Very Young〉等名曲外,老洛的英國冠軍經典〈The First Cut Is the Deepest〉也是翻唱大伯曠世創作!可我一張CD、一張精選通通沒買過!

兩個多個月前,我在網路上看Amazon 的熱賣名單,不經意就發現這張咖啡杯封面的CD名列其中,起初我還以為這是一張哪來的舞曲電音合輯,還是什麼easy listening的音樂,卻沒有仔細的推敲研究,後來沒多久我在上班時間又不小心轉到網站,我的老闆在我背後看到咖啡杯圖,還問道:「咦,這是什麼專輯啊?好特別啊!」但在當下我也沒有調查,回家研究後才突然驚醒,啥米?!阿Cat大伯復出歌壇推出他28年來第一張專輯《An Other Cup》是也,隨後終於在史上最偉大發明之一的Youtube看到MV,當場感動接近落淚...因為太好聽了。(*是不是很誇張?)

感動的程度讓我想起一首歌-- 同樣是伯字輩的Gordon Haskell 的 〈How Wonderful You Are 〉。或許在意境上不全然雷同,可是打到我的程度都是第一次聽當下被電到之後,就很想要一直重複聽。

USA Today的採訪中報導說,《An Other Cup》帶著60年代Peace, Love and Understanding這樣的價值觀,當然,另一個加分因素是我很喜歡的名製作人 Rick Nowels。Highlight則是Cat伯翻唱Nina Simone 64年專輯《Broadway-Blues-Ballads》的名曲〈Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood〉【後來出現The Animals 搖滾版及被用在電影追殺比爾的Santa Esmeralda舞曲版】,該曲被認為是一首面對西方社會及伊斯蘭教雙面衝擊的內心陳述。此外,《An Other Cup》封面也源自伊斯蘭教的哲理,如果打開CD應該可以透過英文文案看到這項哲理的解釋,大伯也說專輯可以找到Cat Stevens,更深入的聆聽(or 暗中比喻杯裡深處) 則可以找到Yusuf Islam。

(Photo from wireimage)

現年58歲的Yusuf Islam 在現實生活中也因為如此雙重背景而成為一位極受爭議的人物,一下變成恐怖主義支持者、一下變成和平獎得主,但撇開世俗的包袱,不管他是Yusuf 還是Cat,驚喜的是他帶來一次純淨心靈的動人回歸。

Yusuf- Heaven / Where True Love Goes

The moment you walked inside my door
I knew that I need not look no more,
I've seen many other souls before - ah but,
Heaven must've programmed you

The moment you fell inside my dreams
I realized all I had not seen,
I've seen many other souls before - ah but,
Heaven must've programmed you.

Oh will you? Will you? Will you?
I go where True Love goes,
I go where True Love goes
I go where True Love goes,
I go where True Love goes

And if you walk along and if you lose your way,
Don't forget the one who gave you this today

Follow True Love, follow True Love,
Follow True Love, follow True Love

Oh will you? Will you? Will you?
I go where True Love goes,
I go where True Love goes
I go where True Love goes,
I go where True Love goes

And if a storm should come and if you face away,
That may be the chance for you to be safe
And if you make it through the trouble and the pain,
That may be the time for you to know his name

The moment you walked inside my door
I knew that I need not look no more,
I've seen many other souls before - ah but,
Heaven must've programmed you

The moment you fell inside my dreams
I realized all I had not seen,
I've seen many other souls before - ah but,
Heaven must've programmed you.

The moment you said "I will"
I knew that this love was real,
And that my faith was seen - oh
Heaven must've programmed you

The moment I looked into your eyes
I knew that they told no lies,
There would be no good byes - Ah
'cause Heaven must've programmed you

I go where True Love goes,
I go where True Love goes
I go where True Love goes,
I go where True Love goes

Yusuf 官網


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