People.com網站搜尋到mv的連結,但很抱歉,這個連結無法用Windows播放軟體看,還好唱片公司有一段幕後花絮可以欣賞。如果要看真正的MV可到VH1網站觀看。另外更抱歉的是,DMB這次新專輯《Stand Up》竟然沒有授權國際地區的發行權利,所以台灣無法販售,喜歡DMB的朋友們,只好直接網購了!

另外的題外話是大衛先生,有次我在飛機上看了「這是一部關於寂寞女孩與流浪小狗的電影」--「Because Of Winn-Dixie」(中文翻譯:都是汪汪惹的禍/多虧有你),想不到竟然是他領銜主演,Dave雖然不是主角,可是卻把電影中一位被大家視為怪胎的寵物店老闆詮釋地超有個性,電影中小孩的爹可是硬底子演員Jeff Daniels,女孩AnnaSophia Robb最近更演出「巧克力冒險工廠」竄紅,導演還是知名華裔導演王穎,只是這部電影在台灣卻落得「台灣上映日期:未映,直接發行出租!」的下場。

Julia Roberts & Dave Matthews: 'Dream' Team
Watch the actress as she stars in the band's new "Dreamgirl" video
(from http://www.people.com; photo credit/Mike Waring)

Friday Aug 19, 2005 6:00am EST

Julia Roberts has been a longtime friend of singer Dave Matthews – but now she's his official "Dreamgirl," starring in the Dave Matthews Band's new video that debuted on Wednesday.

"I just needed the work," Roberts joked to PEOPLE. Added Matthews: "We thought we'd politely give her a hand up."

In what marks her first acting gig since giving birth to 8-month-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus, the actress stars in a series of dream sequences, including an opening scene filmed at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Roberts, 37, worked for free, with one small request: breaks to nurse the babies.

Roberts had to take cover from the rain during the shoot at the botanical gardens, but "she has such a calm presence," says bassist Stefan Lessard, who plays her husband in the video. Added violinist Boyd Tinsley: "She's just the epitome of the American sweetheart."

In the video Roberts is trailed by a shadowy character who turns out to be Matthews. In real life, he said, "being pursued probably isn't unusual for Julia." (Between takes, Matthews kept his star happy by offering to fetch her favorite soy cappuccinos.)

In real life, Roberts says she's always been a fan of the group. "How long have the guys been together? Fourteen years? Okay, so I became a fan 13-1/2 years ago," she joked. "I'm the band mascot."

The respect is mutual for Matthews, who joked: "Hopefully it will spike record sales a bit by having Julia in it. No, that's not what it's about. It's really about art."


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