目前分類:Fresh Listen (28)

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Lisa Stansfield is back. Back with a new album, a new producer, the innovative Trevor Horn and an exciting new sound. Lisa’s unmistakable voice sounds as fresh as ever but the songs on new album, ‘The Moment’, reveal an established artist still evolving and still experimenting.

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Piano-singer-songwriter Vanessa Carlton returns with Harmonium, the follow-up to her platinum selling first album Be Not Nobody. In her new album, Vanessa has grown and heads in a new direction but remains rooted with the strong melodies and lyrics that made her first album so great. Be prepared to be blown away by Harmonium and a dancing Vanessa. Check out the infectious first single "White House" now.

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從網路上知道Basia復出已經有一陣了,不過都只是看到Matt Bianco和她合作的新專輯《Matt's Mood》發行(八月2日,UK)的消息,剛剛從Basia的討論區發現這張專輯的最新MV〈Ordinary Day〉,真的是太開心了!不過感情這張Matt Bianco作品台灣應該不會有,那...再網購好了。

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Watch The Video For The New Darren Hayes Single 'Popular'!
From pop wonder guy to electro god, Darren Hayes is back in fighting form with his new single 'Popular' - the first from his new album 'The Tension And The Spark', out September 13. Watch the cool video for 'Popular' exclusively online, right here!
Pop wunderguy Darren Hayes is back in the finest form of his career, with a brand new look and sound that's set to leave more than a few jaws scraping the floor and have tounges wagging all over the globe. Gone is Darren Hayes of the past, welcome the new Darren Hayes - a man with a new appreciation of the irony of the phrase "pop will eat itself", experimental electro-clash sounds and deeply confessional and confrontational lyrics.

By late 2003, with the multi-million record selling duo Savage Garden and a successful solo album (2002's 'Spin') to his credit, Darren was reassessing his artistic goals. Having created an already enduring pop music legacy, Hayes felt ready to expand his musical palette, developing new sounds while intensifying the range of his musical and lyrical sensibility. He was, in effect, ready to start with a clean slate and follow his muses into bold and adventurous new territory.

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很久沒有Dante Thomas的消息了,雖然Pras合作的〈Miss California〉讓他在歐洲突然爆紅,可是也就只有一片歌手的命。很喜歡他的《Fly》專輯,剛剛不小心在網路發現這小子已經跳槽到EMI,並於七月發行第一首單曲〈Get It On〉,想到當年在W公司時,大家還嫌棄他是個腫男,想不到這會他瘦身成功,成為型男! 不知道台灣EMI會不會處理他,在此同時,讓我們先來看他的最新music video吧。

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Will Young Friday's Child

我的老天爺!小威第三首MV和單曲封面出爐了!我看他現在MV已經拍到爐火純青的創意導向,這回乾脆以游泳池來拍,還有小威代表英國隊參加比賽拿第一名,就連泳帽都有他的名字和英國國旗。很有趣喔!原先專輯《Friday's Child》第三主打應該是無敵芭樂的〈Love Is A Matter Of Distance〉,但緊急抽換成為同名標題曲。我覺的有可能因為〈Friday's Child〉較有夏天的氣氛,而〈Love〉比較適合秋冬,我對小威的期待很高,總覺的他還有很多招數可以玩。〈Friday's Child〉單曲將會收錄他翻唱Outkast的〈Hey Ya〉,最早是在BBC的現場節目唱獲得很好的反應;此外,單曲混音還找來古菲阿曼達操刀哩。小威加油囉!                    

新MV:首頁有一個video/high-low 就可以看到囉   http://www.will-youngonline.com/ 

另外,剛剛也看到英國小威家族公布今年到現在英國專輯銷售排行,小威雖然是去年年終發行,但還是能擠入今年前五強,最近一些英國的大獎也都有他的名字,例如:六月剛舉行的Silver Clef Awards 就頒發他ARTIST OF THE YEAR。

1 Call off the Search - Katie Melua 955,000
2 Feels like Home - Norah Jones 805,000
3 Greatest Hits - Guns N Roses 670,000

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