2008年全英音樂獎〈Brit Awards〉距離現在還有50天才會揭曉,不過已經有一位名為阿黛兒 (Adele) 的19歲新進靈魂女歌手「保送」得獎,在20天前 (2007年12月10日) 搶先拿下今年主辦單位首次增設的新獎『 Critics' Choice 』, 這項由BPI 英國錄音音樂工業協會(the UK recorded music industry association) 統籌,並找來音樂產業包括報紙/雜誌/電台DJ/網路各界專業人士評選的獎項,主要針對2008年發表專輯的新進歌手,由評審團選出他們心中最能在2008年大鳴大放〈make it big〉的新人。Adele 擊敗的對手包括同樣備受好評的北威爾斯的女歌手 Duffy (A&M 唱片) 及五人舞曲龐克搖滾樂團 Foals。

外型頗有年輕版英國女歌手 Alison Moyet (艾莉森莫耶) 味道的 Adele 雖還不至於到達電影「髮膠明星夢」的崔西級數,不過確實稍有重量,豈知她一唱起歌的大將之風驚艷四座,無論是唱腔或是創作通通讓人折服,讓媒體認定她有綜合Dusty Springfield+Jeff Buckley這樣的感染力。畢業於英國 BRIT School 的 Adele (本名 Adele Laurie Blue Adkins ) 如此豐沛又深刻的靈魂音樂與辨識度十足的唱腔自然受到許多前輩的影響,包括 Jill Scott、Etta James、Billy Bragg、 Peggy Lee、Jeff Buckley 到The Cure等都是她的最愛[*她的MySpace寫的人更多] ;這位少女對於演唱也駕輕就熟,歌詞的意境對19歲的她也不成問題,特別是愛唸詩並且寫詩也無形中增長她創作實力。當然 Adele 顯赫的事蹟還包括當今潮流DJ/製作大咖 Mark Ronson 在 Adele 還沒正式走紅前就因為逛到她的MySpace後,就主動想要和她合作[*雙方已經在Mark BBC的現場演出合作];而她也因為在大名鼎鼎的全能藝人 Jools Holland (裘斯荷蘭) 的BBC招牌節目『Later With Jools Hollad』自彈自唱造成轟動,當時她才18歲。

Adele 07年十月先發行名為《Hometown Glory》的EP,與英國獨立廠牌XL Recordings簽約後,首張專輯《19》將於1月28日發行,收錄她與Mark Ronson合作的〈Cold Shoulder〉,目前正是英國亞馬遜網站上最受期待的新進專輯,榮登未發行專輯榜冠軍。Adele 說,這是一張關於18歲-19歲的心聲與愛情的作品,其中〈Daydreamer〉這首歌的對象是她"正式"喜歡的一個男孩,「他是雙性戀,我真的不知道該怎麼好...」,Adele 看待這是一張蠻哀傷的專輯,歌曲有很多是關於被欺騙還有得不到自己想要的東西這般心情。

《19》的第一正式主打歌〈Chasing Pavements〉將於一月21日在英國發行。這首歌...除了好聽,我沒有更多形容詞了。Billboard 雜誌已經將 Adele、Duffy、Amy MacDonald及Kate Nash列為2008有可能走紅國際的四大英國新進女聲!至於 Adele 能否接棒英國創作女聲從Amy Winehouse、KT Tunstall 還有Corinne Bailey Rae 等前輩掀起的風潮,就讓我們拭目以待。
Chasing Pavements Video
Chasing Pavements - Adele
I've made up my mind
don't need to think it over
if i'm wrong i am right
don't need to look no further
this ain't lust i know this is love
but if i tell the world
i'll never say enough
cos it was not said to you
and thats exactly what i need to do
if i end up with you
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where,
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place should i leave it there.
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads nowhere
i build myself up
and fly around in circles
waiting as my heart drops
and my back begins to tingle
finally could this be it
or should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where,
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place should i leave it there.
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads nowhere
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where,
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place
should i leave it there
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads nowhere
yeaaah ehh
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads nowhere
or would it be a waste
even if i new my place should i leave it there
should i give up
or should i just keep on chasing pavements
should i just keep on chasing pavements
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where,
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place
should i leave it there
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where
Adele 官網 http://adele.tv/
Adele MySpace http://www.myspace.com/adelelondon
XL 唱片官方網站 http://www.xlrecordings.com/adele/