這位功績卓越、地位崇高的「舞韻(Eurythmic)」頂級女伶原本排定08年九月發行萬眾期待的個人精選《The Annie Lennox Collection》,卻因背部受傷(去年八月到墨西哥市參加國際愛滋會議),進行脊椎開刀手術後延宕至今年發行。
一月底來自這張精選的首支單曲【Shining Light】音樂錄影帶正式在英美曝光,只見安妮以「五人夢幻女子樂團」之姿,一人分飾主唱、吉他手、貝斯手、鼓手和鍵盤手熱血演出,或許這對擅長營造音樂影帶意境的安妮來說沒有什麼,可是看到她容光換發的模樣,重返歌壇還是帶來演繹歌曲的驚人實力,實在讓人對這尊勇奪八座全英音樂獎(其中拿過六度最佳女歌手)的神佛媽祖由衷佩服。
【Shining Light】是安妮又一次精彩翻唱的鐵證,原先是Ash收錄在2001年全英冠軍專輯《Free All Angels》中的首支主打歌,歌曲原本是主唱Tim Wheeler寫給當時女友Audrey的靈感之作,01年拿下英國金榜第八名,被公認是Ash經典名曲,不僅Coldplay曾現場演唱,根據維基百科的介紹,綠洲的Noel Gallagher也很喜愛這首歌曲。安妮的版本當然獲得原作者Tim的熱烈肯定,他在樂團官網上說道,安妮是位極其偉大的歌手,「歌曲能被她詮釋對我個人來說是很大的肯定。」聽到歌曲就猶如自己的小孩長大,轉變成自己沒有計畫與預期的模樣,「讓我甚感驕傲的是,像安妮這樣等級與天份的歌手將我們的歌曲賦予不同的感覺。雖說不一樣,但仍舊令人振奮!我希望這首歌能夠大中!」
【Shining Light】--Ash
Ash- Shining Light
《The Annie Lennox Collection》除了【Shining Light】外的另一首新歌則是重新演繹基音樂團的b-side歌曲【Closer Now】,更改曲名為【Pattern of My Life】。此外,英美發行時間與版本也略有不同,讓人霧煞煞,很明顯是在獨厚英國歌迷,尤其是2CD+DVD版還有電影【魔戒三部曲-王者再臨】奧斯卡最佳電影歌曲(Best Original Song)【Into the West】、在美國偶像特別節目「 Idol Gives Back」詮釋Jimmy Cliff的【Many Rivers to Cross】,還有與Alicia Keys合作REM的【Everybody Hurts】(不確定是否為現場) 等,實在是非常超過:
美國 2/17 CD版本、CD+DVD版本(DVD包括14首MV)
英國 3/9 CD版本、2CD+DVD版本(CD2包括八首歌曲、DVD包括16首MV)
《The Annie Lennox Collection》的專輯封面攝影出自大家都很熟悉的「專業名家攝影師」--布萊恩亞當斯(Bryan Adams),也是精選的一個賣點。不過真的要很謝謝安妮,因為她太多的成就(不論是在哪一方面) 才能成全這麼多好聽又能一再回味的經典啊!
【Shining Light】歌詞
Roman candles that burn in the night
Yeah, you are a shining light
You lit a torch in the empty night
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
You've always been a thorn in their side
But to me you're a shining light
You arrive and the night is alive
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
We made a connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over royal David's city
An epiphany, you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
You are a force, you are a constant source
Yeah, you are a shining light
Incandescent into the darkest night
Yeah, you are shining light
And all blood I would sacrifice
For you are my shining light
Sovereign bride of the infinite
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
We made a connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over royal David's city
An epiphany, you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
These are the days you often say
There's nothing that we cannot do
Beneath a canopy of stars
I'd shed blood for you
The North Star in the firmament
You shine the most bright
I've seen you dressed in an electric veil
Shrouded in celestial light
We made a connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over royal David's city
An epiphany, you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
You are a shining light
You are a shining light
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