因為網友詢問起Cyndi Lauper 在1993年年底二度來台的演唱會,我才突然想起,原來這些資料自己都有保存著,只好到自己的藏書閣尋找這些已經泛黃不堪的剪報資料了,現在回想起來,除了當時那場演唱會讓人久久難忘(其實根本已經沒什麼印象),最開心的是這些剪貼簿現在反而成為寫blog的一種素材。
我通常會到書店買一本比A4還要大的條紋筆記本,然後從小五開始,這一貼就是十年以上,一直到大三我在Tower打工後才停頓,這是因為網路的興起,才不需要再靠人力把資料整理起來。不過就在我現在觀看自己1994年的剪報時卻頗有感觸,除了Cyndi Lauper93年底在TICC的兩場跨年演唱會,有惠妮94年葛萊美獎大獲全勝的報導,還有INXS的台北演唱會...等洋洋灑灑的報導,我才發現,西洋流行音樂在現在的傳媒上有多麼的弱勢,以前西洋音樂不光有許多深度專題,就連名氣不大的新人或是排行榜歌手幾乎都可以有許多詳實的報導,現在不是了,除了唱片公司主推的藝人和大牌的歌手外,幾乎很難看到屬於西洋音樂的版面,加上新聞都以綜藝型態來包裝,真的讓人感嘆聽西洋流行音樂者只能自力更生,更別提現實的傳媒環境已經糟糕許久,遑論媒體專業在西洋音樂上簡直是0分。
回到這場演唱會吧。辛蒂的表演音樂性著重於娛樂性,但不代表她沒有「爆點」,我依稀記得她在舞台上跑來跑去,唱歌到激昂處還會「起乩」,歌聲好的沒話說,感人的指數就和她最新的DVD「At Last」現場演唱一樣,本來我只是買1200的票,但也不知怎回事,大家一high起來全部往舞台前面衝,這真的是TICC特有的現象,畢竟辛蒂販賣的還是一種搖滾吧。這幾年來看了很多表演,但辛蒂卻有一種少由人及的「真誠」,你會認為她就是純粹和大家分享音樂,把淋漓盡致的歌聲演唱出來,甚至拿一些怪怪的敲擊樂器(例如一個怪掛在脖子上像洗衣版的刷刷樂器)都讓人沉醉其中,我還記得她演唱〈Sally's Pigeons〉似乎很感性、很催淚吧。
Cyndi Lauper Strips Down
Monday September 12, 11:19 am ET
Music Icon Cooks Up Fresh Versions of Big Hits on New Album The Body Acoustic
Special Guests Include Sarah McLachlan, Shaggy, Jeff Beck, Ani DiFranco and Vivian Green
NEW YORK, N.Y., Sept. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- When Cyndi Lauper emerged
on the scene twenty five years ago, it was a defining moment for pop
music. And since then, her contributions have never stopped -- album
after album, Cyndi has delivered hit songs that literally comprise
the soundtrack of our lives. And this fall Cyndi prepares to release
her 9th album The Body Acoustic with Daylight/Epic Records on
November 8th. On The Body Acoustic Cyndi revisits songs like "Time
After Time," "True Colors," "She Bop," "Shine," and more giving them
a modern day extreme makeover. Adding fresh flavor, rich textures,
rawness and unexpected twists and turns -- plus special guests like
Sarah McLachlan, Shaggy, Kelly Osbourne, Ani DiFranco, Jeff Beck and
Vivian Green -- Cyndi shows her singing, producing and writing
talents at an all time high.
On "Money Changes Everything" Cyndi is joined by Adam Lazzara of
Taking Back Sunday who gives the song a twangy earthy quality. "Time
After Time" features the angelic voice of Sarah McLachlan, who
brings a new tenderness to the gem. Reggae/pop superstar Shaggy
lends his trademark voice on the newly funky "All Through The
Night," while Kelly Osbourne joins in on the fun on "Girls Just Want
to Have Fun." Other highlights include "Sisters of Avalon" with Ani
DiFranco & Vivian Green, and "Water's Edge" (from the 2002 EP Shine)
w/ Sarah McLachlan. With her unique vocals, Cyndi continues to spice
things up with fresh versions of such hits
as "Shine," "Fearless," "She Bop" and "True Colors." The album also
contains two brand new songs co-written by Cyndi Lauper, "Above The
Clouds" featuring guitar legend Jeff Beck and "I'll Be Your River"
with Vivian Green. The Body Acoustic was produced by Cyndi herself
along with renowned producers Rick Chertoff (She's So Unusual) and
William Wittman (At Last) and the result is nothing short of
The vibrant talent of Cyndi Lauper has graced our world for 25
years. Beginning in 1980 Cyndi and her band at the time, Blue Angel
released a self- titled album but in 1983 as many artists do, Cyndi
decided to depart the group and take on the world as a solo artist.
It was in 1984 with the release of her debut album, She's So Unusual
that Cyndi scored massive success -- 9 million copies sold
worldwide -- and quite literally became an overnight success. She's
So Unusual was the first debut album and the first debut album by a
solo artist to garner four top five singles, "Girls Just Want To
Have Fun," "All Through The Night," "She Bop," and "Time After
Time." She's So Unusual earned Cyndi a Grammy Award for Best New
Artist. And this was just the beginning ...
>From there Cyndi went on to release and co-produce True Colors, of
which came it's #1 title track, and another Grammy nomination for
the artist. Three years later in 1989, A Night To Remember was born
on which Cyndi wrote or co- wrote eight of the eleven tracks and co-
produced most of the album herself. A Hat Full Of Stars, Sisters Of
Avalon, Merry Xmas Have a Nice Life, Shine and Cyndi's most recent
critically acclaimed 2003 release, At Last all followed suit.
In addition to proving herself as a Grammy-winning artist, Cyndi
Lauper has spent much of the past twenty-five years as a devoted
advocate and philanthropist for such organizations as AMFAR, Aids
Research, Planned Parenthood, Women's Rights as well as for Gay
communities all over the world. She has been twice nominated for the
Emmy Award -- has won once -- and has established herself as one of
America's most loved fashion icons.