這位Suede阿哥首度solo新碟將於3月26日發行(label:V2),日前搶先在他的官網公佈同名新專輯的封面、封底及內頁設計,並陳述一些心得(轉貼如下);而阿Brett當然也有自己的MySpace,專輯首發單曲〈Love Is Dead〉除了音樂影帶已經熱播外,也有另外一個rehearsal版本。話題大碟台灣將由福茂唱片發行。〈Love Is Dead〉 Video
Love Is Dead (Lyrics from MySpace)
Nothing ever goes right, nothing really flows in my life
No one really cares if no one ever shares my bed
People push by with fear in their eyes in my life
Love is dead, love is dead
The telephone rings but no one ever thinks to speak to me
The traffic speeds by but no one's ever stopped here yet
Intelligent friends don't care in the end believe me
Love is dead, love is dead
And plastic people wear imaginary smiles
Exchanging secrets at the back of their minds
Plastic people, plastic people
Nothing ever goes right, nothing really flows in my life
No one really cares if there's horrors inside my head
People push by with fear in their eyes in my life
Love is dead, love is dead
....and all the lies that you've given us
and all the things that you said
and all the lies that you've given us
blow like wind in my head...

Brett's comments on the sleeve:
"The sleeve was conceived by me and Peter Saville and shot by Wolfgang Tillmans. We were looking for something that alluded to the influences and reference points which made up the content of the record and decided that shooting me at home in my scruffy studio where the music was born would be fitting. This is the one room in my house where I allow my childish side to rule over the controlled adult and where I am happy to make a mess and pin up pictures with blu-tak and sellotape. Some of you will recognize that the photo is taken from a magazine shoot a from few years back. We tried to re-shoot the idea but felt that it lacked some of the warmth and spontaneity of the original. I like the way the images candidly show my loves and interests from Vermeer to the Pistols, from Huxley to Hockney. there are also some more personal gems amongst the clutter including work by my sister and photos of friends.hope the images mirror the personal intimacy of the music and show something of the man behind the mask." 轉貼from 歌迷網站 (當然歌迷是從官網轉來的:p)
