這兩天如果四處逛一些海外的部落格,相信John Mayer 〈約翰梅爾〉應該會是隨處可見的名字!原因並不是因為潔西卡辛普森,而是GAP今年秋(冬)季的最新campaign「Classics Redefined」找來John Mayer等數位名人,這組GAP最新力作一如先前「Khakis with attitude」讓人眼睛一亮,尤其打出舉世聞名攝影女王Annie Leibovitz操刀【球王小費今年的Men's Vogue雜誌系列照片也是Annie今年代表作】,果然讓John Mayer這張最先曝光的平面廣告(點選看大圖)獲得網友好評,說他實在太HOT了。還有,根據wiki說辭,他和潔西卡的「雙J」戀情已經於今年五月畫下句點...,也難怪五月之後的約翰不僅髮型大改變,整個人也更有型〈純屬個人意見〉。

這次的campaign陣容還有包括Sarah Silverman、劉玉玲〈Lucy Liu〉、渡邊謙〈Ken Watanabe〉、Selma Blair、Forest Whitaker..等,預計共有12組黑白攝影風格呈現的明星沙龍,將陸續在九月份各大雜誌曝光。相關全系列照片請看相本

USA Today / Style Crunch

另外關心一下John Mayer 讓眾人high到不行的合作:艾莉西亞凱斯!日前在約翰的官網部落格上發布此振奮人心的消息,一首名為〈Lesson Learned〉的新歌已經錄製完成,將收錄在Alicia預計十月發行的最新專輯《As I Am》;有空到John自己發布的文章中看看他的心情吧。

With Steve Jordan

最後不免俗地要為所有廣大Mayer fans捕捉一下他最近幾個行程的照片 (照片來源:wireimage)

John Mayer and Eric Clapton performing on ABC's "Good Morning America" on July 20th, 2007 in New York City's Bryant Park.
◎John Mayer /Eric Clapton 演唱Cream的歌曲 "Crossroads" (

Musician John Mayer and Actor Zach Braf backstage at Live Earth New York at Giants Stadium on July 7, 2007 in East Rutherford, New Jersey ***EXCLUSIVE***

Rapper Kanye West, Singer/Bassist Sting, Drummer Stewart Copeland and Guitarist Andy Summers of The Police with Musician John Mayer backstage at Live Earth New York at Giants Stadium on July 7, 2007 in East Rutherford, New Jersey ***EXCLUSIVE*** 

Musician John Mayer performs during Live Earth New York at Giants Stadium on July 7, 2007 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Singer/Bassist Sting, Guitarist Andy Summers, Drummer Stewart Copeland of The Police with Musician John Mayer (center) and Rapper Kanye West (2nd from left) during Live Earth New York at Giants Stadium on July 7, 2007 in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Musician John Mayer in the press room during Live Earth New York at Giants Stadium on July 7, 2007 in East Rutherford, New Jersey.  

Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People 2007 - Cocktail Party and Dinner 

Jessica Simpson and John Mayer *EXCLUSIVE*
2007 Sony/BMG GRAMMY After Party - Inside 

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