先前長期駐守本網誌的網友Owen曾貼出這位來自「澳洲偶像」選秀比賽的人氣帥哥資訊,今天無意中收到澳洲SONY BMG的電子報,這才發現Dean Geyer初登場單曲〈If You Don't Mean It〉的MV早已悄悄流傳,而這首五月5日發行的單曲曾來到ARIA澳洲排行榜十一名,根據神通廣大(準確度不見得100%)的wiki所言,拿下2006「澳洲偶像」選秀比賽第三名的Dean Geyer 是以「引人注目的外型〈Striking Looks〉」走紅,外國網友還說MV根本就是香水廣告。Dean Geyer首張專輯《Rush》已經於五月26日發行。

今年21歲的Dean Geyer 〈狄恩蓋爾〉出生於南非約翰尼斯堡,15歲到澳洲墨爾本定居並進入墨爾本高中唸書,他也對音樂產生興趣希望成為一位創作歌手,就連參加徵選都還以自己創作的歌曲〈Nice To Meet You〉闖關。而因為優異外型還有「體格」,阿Dean也擔任模特兒,他連續拍攝包括「2006 Vodka Cruiser Bodyline Calendar」、「2007 Bodyline Men Calendar」兩本寫真曆,這也難怪在〈If You Don't Mean It〉MV他依然故我,大方展露身材,也就不足為奇;甚至Dean還名列「Australian TV Week」所票選『Hottest Aussie guy』亞軍,在另一項名為『Male Hottie Of 2006』的票選中也僅落後帥哥Nick Lachey高居亞軍。至於緋聞部分,先前謠傳他與澳洲當紅雙胞胎女子組The Veronicas中的 Lisa Origliasso爆出戀曲,曾遭雙方否認,不過卻又在今年五月大方認定戀情。

(From Ebay)

回到音樂本身,阿Dean走搖滾路線(應該算偏流行),視Bon Jovi與Marc Cohn為偶像。專輯包括瑞典詞曲黃金組合The Location打造首支單曲〈If You Don't Mean It〉,在選秀比賽上好評演唱Edwin McCain歌曲〈I'll Be〉及多首創作,製作團隊都是澳洲當今的一線製作/詞曲作家,先前聽說還包括野人花園的Daniel Jones,不過要再查証才知道有沒這回事情。

If You Don't Mean It

I don't know
How to feel
Let the words
Come easily to me
You seem lost
In your thoughts
And I find it hard to breathe
Why won't you tell me what it is?
It's driving me crazy trying to second guess you

Don't say you love me,
I don't believe it!
Don't say the words,
If you don't mean it.
Don't want to hear it
Out in the open
Keep it inside
If you don't mean it

Don't even want to talk about it
I know that I can live without it

If it's right
If it's wrong
Would someone let me know?
It's the game
I can't play
Do I just let you go?
Maybe it's just the way it is
I get the feeling that you know it's over

Don't say you love me,
I don't believe it!
Don't say the words,
If you don't mean it.
Don't want to hear it
Out in the open
Keep it inside
If you don't mean it

Don't even want to talk about it
I know that I can live without it
I just don't want to talk about it
God knows I could live without it

Don't say you love me,
I don't believe it!
Don't say the words,
If you don't mean it.
Don't want to hear it
Out in the open
Keep it inside
If you don't mean it

Dean Geyer Video Teaser!

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Dean Geyer 官網: http://www.deangeyermusic.com/
SONY BMG 澳洲官網:http://www.sonybmg.com.au/artist/info.do?artistId=184751


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