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Matt Dusk Is Back In Town! Pre-order at iTunes Today!
On June 13th, Juno award winning crooner Matt Dusk will release his much-anticipated follow up to Two Shots, entitled Back In Town. The infectiously catchy first single "All About Me" hit radio and TV a few weeks back and is already becoming a contender for this summer's anthem.

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Marie Eleonor Serneholt (born July 11, 1983) was the oldest member of the Swedish pop band A*Teens. Marie was born in Stockholm, Sweden and grew up in an upper-class milieu. She nearly died twice before becoming a pop star, once from almost drowning and another from an illness. In 2004, A*Teens ended a 5 year career with the release of the single I Promised Myself and their Greatest Hits album. With the split, several rumors flew that Marie would be the first to pursue a solo career but these proved to be unfounded when fellow A*Teen, Dhani Lennevald, released his debut single. During these two years, however, Marie got involved in a few projects including posing for several Maybelline ads and doing voice work for two feature films in Sweden: Robots and Herbie: Fully Loaded. In 2006, however, after two years of obscurity, Marie returned to the music scene with her debut track That's the Way My Heart Goes written by Jorgen Elofsson, the brains behind tracks written for Britney Spears and Celine Dion, among others. About a month after her single was released, her debut solo album Enjoy the Ride was released.

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當四周的人們聽說我要去華欣,第一個反應是,華欣〈Hua Hin〉在哪裡?


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Kelis returns with her new single, “Bossy” featuring Too $hort. Her “Milkshake” brought all the boys to the yard in 2004 and now she’s back with her new album Kelis Was Here, in stores this June. Look for the video coming soon. Stay tuned for more details and sign up to the list to stay in touch with Kelis!

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Album :Whatever We Wanna ( Release date: 5-6-2006,UK;德國2-6-2006)

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Matt Willis-Up All Night

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Coming Up, Watch For The CHA CHA Video To Debut In Both English And Spanglish Versions & Listen For The Track On Malcolm In The Middle on 4/9/06.

With a Unique Fusion Of Urban-Latin Rhythm & Dance, Look For Chelos Debut Album To Be Released In Early June.

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今天搜尋「無所不播」的YouTube時,不小心看到〈Turn The Beat Around〉原唱Vicki Sue Robinson (1955-2000)的現場表演,這才是我第一次親耳聽到、親眼看到這首經典Disco舞曲最原始的一面,想不到Vicki Sue Robinson原來已經在2000年四月27日,因癌症的關係撒手人寰,享年45歲,不過對無數喜愛Disco音樂的歌迷來說,她的招牌經典〈Turn The Beat Around〉卻還能持續穿越時空不墜,成為一首時代鉅作。

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"What's Left Of Me"  Video Feat.Vanessa Minnillo(MTV TRL主持人)

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(來自Dannii官網的消息)NEW SINGLE!

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Aveda,想不到在不到一年的時間,「千辛萬苦」累積了1800點點數〈一點10元,大家可以算算我一年包括送禮自用兩相宜究竟花費多少〉,一舉換到2000元的SPA禮券,並且於週六下午在四月14日重新開幕的『肯夢AVEDA Dream Place 微風復興店』給他SPA一下,我做的是兩小時的「特殊個人化獨特療程」,喊價3200元,不過扣抵折價券後只要花費1200元,折價後果然比我平常去「六星集足養身會館」腳底按摩便宜,讓我一償在Aveda做療程的心願。

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幾天前在Amazon 音樂暢銷榜上看到Gene Pitney的名字,突然以99年發行的精選《Gene Pitney - 25 All-Time Greatest Hits 》進榜,當下我心中只有一個想法...Gene百分之百掛了...果然,在所有的外電都一片悽涼報導他享年65歲的驟逝,或許這又是一個美好時代的結束吧。這位2002年被選入搖滾名人堂、來自美國康乃狄克的歌手,從60年代初期就以他獨一無二的嗓音在歌壇著稱,並且還曾被認定是一位偶像歌手(Teen Pop Singer),不過現在人們看這位阿伯,則認為他對英美歌壇都有卓越影響,包括他的多首經典創作甚至跨足鄉村歌壇和George Jones灌錄唱片等事蹟,翻開歷史,阿伯在美國有16首Top40單曲,英國有40首,也因此就連我在第一次寫這篇文章時都還誤以為他是個不折不扣的英國歌手哩。

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真的是...太驚嚇了。剛剛不過是在Amazon找新發片的訊息,不小心看到這個傢伙,後來才發現這是一張原先2004年由華納瑞典出版的專輯,四月才正式在美國上架...1969年出生的Günther Levi〈本名Mats Söderlund〉是來自瑞典的藝人、夜店經營者,縱橫夜店之前還曾是個男模,名為《Pleasureman》的專輯完全發揮那種夜店tone,Pleasureman同時也是他的綽號,他所推出的每支MV都充斥無比濃厚的性暗示,並有專屬的The Sunshine Girls在一旁磨蹭與演唱,而本尊則是以說唱和帶有吟唱風格的唱腔詮釋作品,根據維基百科說辭,Günther 有1.濃厚德國口音 2.黑色大太陽眼鏡 3.八字鬍等特色,音樂則是流行/舞曲,甚至被視為"euro-trash",而他個人則是奉行Champagne/Glamour/ Sex/Respect為他生活四大要素。

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13.03.2006 | The wait has an end! 

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